Team Fortress 2 Update Released
July 5, 2012 - TF2 Team
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Added new options for Pyrovision to the Advanced Options dialog
- Added enable/disable for the HUD border
- Added the ability to make the HUD border static
- Added the ability to turn off the skybox depth of field
- Fixed The Sandvich and The Buffalo Steak Sandvich using the wrong models when thrown
- Fixed not seeing the blue team skin for the Robot Chicken Hat
- Fixed not seeing team colors on the sleeves for The Equalizer and The Escape Plan
- Fixed The Escape Plan allowing medic calls
- Fixed The Beggar's Bazooka exploding on random targets in the world when overloading
- Fixed The Hitman's Heatmaker bodyshot damage penalty affecting the Sniper's other weapons
- Fixed The Amputator's radius heal effect applying to players who have The Escape Plan deployed
- Fixed the Rainblower taunt attacking players through walls
- Optimized the Rainblower taunt particles
- Updated Sd_Doomsday
- Fixed rocket lid staying open sometimes after a player drops the Australium on the lift
- Fixed case where the lift could continue traveling up when a player with the Australium died at the same time he touched the lift
- Updated the localization files
- Updated the gamehaptics file:
- Added recoil/reload/draw/crit forces for the Baby Face's Blaster
- Added new recoil forces for The Beggar's Bazooka, The Cleaner's Carbine, The Hitman's Heatmaker, The Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol and The Scorch Shot
- Added more detail to the reloads for the Scattergun, the Baby Face's Blaster, the SMG, and The Cleaner's Carbine