Team Fortress 2 Update Released
May 13, 2013 - TF2 Team
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Added UGC Highlander Season 9 and UGC 6vs6 Season 11 medals
- Fixed the Botkiller Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher and Spy Knife weapons using incorrect team materials for the arms
- Fixed a bug that allowed level 3 mini-sentries in Mann Vs. Machine mode
- Fixed a problem where underwater explosions would cause graphics corruption
- Fixed an issue with HDR rendering where auto-exposure would vary incorrectly in some areas
- Fixed an issue where objects underwater would not render properly
- Fixed incorrect ellipsizing of text in some cases for the Mac version
- Updated the Phlogistinator to reduce the rate for gaining MMMPH when attacking tanks and robots in Mann Vs. Machine mode
- Updated the Tuxxy tuxedo so it can be crafted
- Updated The Wilson Weave and The Ham Shank so they can be crafted, traded and gift-wrapped
- Updated the console so it can be accessed from the terminal that was used to run the game for the Linux and Mac versions
- Updated the Linux version
- Fixed triggers never registering as "released" on certain game controllers
- Fixed clipboard issues on some window managers, most notably KDE
- Fixed a bug where the map list would be reversed
- Made loading custom fonts for third party HUDs work on certain fonts